Progressive Lenses

Progressive lenses – the lenses of choice
for many who are longsighted

Progressive lenses, which are very widely utilised in developed countries, were invented in London in 1905 but were plagued with optical distortions which made them unwearable. The first commercially available progressive lenses were developed by the French in the 1950s.

Since their inception in 1905, progressive lenses have undergone considerable research, resulting in advanced lens designs which increase the clear vision areas and reduce the significant distortions inherent in previous lenses.

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Occupational Lenses

Occupational lenses are a form of progressive lenses which have been modified to cater for different types of occupations, particularly computer users.


Traditionally, reading spectacles which have a very limited focal range require that printed material is kept at a specific distance, usually about 40 cm, particularly for those who have a more advanced loss of ability to adjust focus at near. With the advent of computer screens this presented a problem as desktop computer screens are usually at arms-length which is about 66 cm. While this is not a big change in physical distance, it has a great impact on the optical focus such that a lens design for 40 cm reading distance will cause the computer screen to be completely blurred.

Occupational lenses allow the user to see both at reading distance and computer distance and if required provide reasonably clear vision within the office space.

Interested in Progressive Lenses?

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